6828 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37918  865-689-7001

2024 Messages

Below is a listing, from most recent to the oldest, of messages given at New Covenant during 2024. They are listed by date, title and a brief description of what was addressed.

October 20, 2024  Jesus Heir  This is the second in a series focusing on Jesus as revealed in the book of Hebrews. View Here

October 20, 2024


October 13, 2024  Before They Call I Will Answer   Pastor Russ begins a new series on Jesus in Hebrews. This first message introduces the series and gives a stunning and classic example of God answering before being asked. Watch Here 

September 22 2024  Peter and the Gentiles   Pastor Russ continues Peter’s assignment to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles at Caesarea. Watch Here

September 15, 2024  “You All Better Do It” Peter is confronted with a Divine Appointment that seems in conflict with his historical law-based life style. The scriptures make it clear that God has been setting this up for some time and Peter cones face to face with a lifestyle conflict. Watch Here

September 8, 2024  “God Is Working On Both Ends”  Pastor Russ continues the messages on divine appointments as seen in Acts 8, 9 and 10. In this episode Peter and Cornelius are both moved upon by God as He is bringing them together in His way and in His timing. Watch Here

September 1, 2024  “God Was At Work Here” Pastor Russ continues series on divine appointments. The focus moves to the end of Acts 9. Peter is moving about Israel after Saul left the area due to his life being in danger. Peter is moving about, it seems, by chance. Actually scripture reveals that God was at work investing in people and moving Peter along is his preparation and location to meet up with Corneilus and his family of Gentiles. Watch Here

August 28, 2024  Aftershock Session 2 Testimonies.  Watch Video Here

August 25, 2024  Ananias and Overcoming Fear.  Pastor Russ examines the account in Acts 9 where the Lord calls upon Ananias to fulfill a divine appointment with Saul of Tarsus.   This is a very current and creative look at this familar passage. Watch Here

August 21, 2024  Aftershock Session #1 Testimonies Watch Here

August 18, 2024  Philip and Divine Appointments 2.  Pastor Russ continues looking at the biblical text regarding Philip and his appointment with the man from Ethiopia. A fresh look at the ways of God in the light of this classic story from Acts 9.  Watch Here

August 11, 2024   Philip and Christina AM   Pastor Russ teaches on the divine appointment Philip had with the man from Ethiopia. This is a very applicable message for where we are in the Church  currently.  View Here

June 23, 2024  There Is An Enemy.  Pastor Russ applies a biblical pattern to all of our lives. Insightful  Watch Here

June 16, 2024   Hitting The Target  A Father’s Day Message by pastor Russ.  Watch Here

June 9, 2024  He Got It!  Pastor Russ examines biblical evidence regarding Peter and his life after his encounter with Jesus recorded in John 21. Yes, Peter got it. He learned the primaryu importance of agape love.  Watch Here

June 2, 2024  Jesus Knows  Pastor Russ looks at some of the interactions Jesus had with some of his disciples after his resurrection.  Watch Here

May 26, 2024  Jesus Covered Forgiving and Retaining The Wrongs Of Others. During his first revealing of himself after his resurrection to his group of disciples, Jesus addressed forgiving or not forgiving others. Watch Here

May 19, 2024  Back To Eden, Two Witnesses. Pastor Russ looks at both the Samaritan Woman at the well and Mary Magdalene as two witnesses of the redemptive redo of the Garden of Eden and Eve. Watch Here

May 12, 2024 Jesus Redemptive Encounter With Samaritan Woman At The Well. Pastor Russ examines this redemptive encounter at Jacob’s well in Samaria. This was the first of two redemptive encounters Jesus had with women that pictured a redemptive recovery and honoring of women by Jesus. Watch Here

May 5, 2024  Jesus Crucifixion, Resurrection and Biblical Prophecies. Pastor Russ looks at the primary role of the biblical prophecies in Jesus crucifixion and resurrection. Watch Here

April 28, 2024  Three Confirmations Jesus Gave For His Resurrection. Jesus gave confirmations to his disciples three times at least to move them to respond by faith to His resurrection. Pastor Russ looks at these three. Watch Here

April 21, 2024  Jesus Honors Women As He Revealed Himself To Mary Magdalene After His Resurrection.  The significance and timing of Jesus revealing his risen self first to Mary Magdalene is examined. Many could have been chosen to be the first but Mary Magdalene was the chosen one. In addition, the timing of His interaction with her is examined in scripture. An insightful look at this moment following Jesus resurrection. View Here

March 8, 2024  Bill Yoder Celebration of Life Celebration at NCF  View Here

February 28, 2024:  1985 World Series KCIHOP Rescue Prophecy. Pastor Russ speaks to a prophetic word God gave to Bob Jones 39 years ago.  God revealed, through Bob Jones, that the Kansas City prayer movement would come under significant threat of closure due to the discovery of the numerous choices/decisions Mike Bickle would make through the years. Many voices are calling for the KCIHOP to be shut down. Pastor Russ is a voice calling for an immediate change of perspective regarding closing the KCIHOP prayer movement and its’ activities.   View Here

February 25, 2024: Did God Grieve At The Death Of Jesus and Psalm 139.  Watch Here

February 11, 2024: The Prophetic and KCIHOP,  Pastor Russ uses the first part of this message to continue the series on the prophetic from Matthew 2.  The focus then shifts to KCIHOP and a profound prophetic promise of God regarding the ultimate impact of this prayer movement upon the billion soul + harvest. View Here 

February 4, 2024: Really, The Glory Goes To God, Pastor Russ continues series based on Matthew 2. God knew everything in advance of it happening as Matthew validates. Watch Here

January 28, 2024  “God Knows and The Mistake of the Wise Men” Pastor Russ continues series based on Matthew 2. The Wise Men were not so wise in all of their actions. Pastor Russ continues to look at this timely matter. Watch Here:

January 21, 2024:  Snow day in Knoxville

January 14, 2024:  “The Magi Mistake” The Magi made a classic mistake that we often make. God certainly knew in advance that they would make such mistake as the scriptures explain. This is intended to help us not make the same kind of mistake in our lives. Watch Here
