Foundational Prophetic Callings
God is the Director. He has many different paths by which He reveals His Word and intentions for a local church. New Covenant Fellowship began November 1st of 1981 with the understanding that it was to be a local church. The scriptures are infallible and give tremendous insight in what a local church should be and do. From the beginning, we sought to fulfill God’s guidance through scripture.
In the fall of 1990 God began to reveal to our congregation additional and specific guidance into His unique intentions for our congregation. While we were always respectful of prophetic ministry, we had received no clear word from the Lord that helped clarify vision for NCF. In September and October of 1990, God sent two prophetic ministries through whom He gave us what Pastor Russ refers to as the two foundational or pillar prophetic callings on our congregation.
We actually did not even begin to recognize the significance and magnitude of these prophetic words until nearly 5 more years had passed. Those two transcribed messages remained largely unread and unattended to until the spring of 1995. Our congregation entered into a phenomenal season of renewal in March of 1995. The prophecies of 1990 were recalled and reread through the eyes of nearly 15 years of existence and the then current season. We were stunned at the relevancy of the words and accuracy of describing who we were to be and how we were to approach being who God had called us to be.
Gloria Gainor’s prophecy of September 1990. This is a broad description of the callings of God on us specifically as a congregation with a small section on Knoxville.
Dan Cheatham’s prophecy of October 1990 gives incredible details as to the specifics of how we were going to fulfill the assignments of God for us as a congregation.
To sum up and simplify: We have been called into being to be a local congregation in Knoxville, Tn. God has been discipling and training us to be a local church through whom the Spirit of God touches every nation of the world. We will be fulfilling God’s intentions for us to fulfill a strategic role in the end-time Revival. When that portion of the Harvest intended for NCF, comes into this congregation, it will be healed, delivered, empowered and sent forth into God’s global purposes.