Our Mission
To follow and fulfill the purposes of God as revealed in the Scriptures and His prophetic revelations to us.
Mission Statement
New Covenant Fellowship is a local church, called into being by God for His specific and unique purposes while developing healthy, functioning, fully-devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.
History of New Covenant Fellowship
New Covenant Fellowship began as a new work in November 1981. The Lord led its pastor, Russ and Faye Porcella, to begin a regional, charismatic church in North Knoxville. During the first four years of existence, NCF was located in a storefront building on Clinton Highway. The congregation began with 54 attending adults and children. From the very beginning NCF was a congregation that was a gathering of families. God slowly and steadily added individuals and families to the congregation. The church office eventually moved out of the storefront building to an office building one block away. All available space was occupied before a permanent facility became a reality.
NCF was a very busy congregation, ministering to children, building strong families, writing Living Bread Curriculum Sunday School literature, printing for missionaries and other ministries, establishing integrity and experience as a caring congregation of committed people, and working cooperatively with other congregations in Knoxville.
Structure of the Church
New Covenant Fellowship is led spiritually by the Senior Pastor with assistance of a leadership team. Our pastor and leaders seek God’s direction and offer prayerful, practical support in all aspects of church life. The church is operated and governed by the Senior Pastor, by associates, trustees, and elders. See the detailed description of the governance of the church.
Praise and Worship
Our Sunday praise and worship is highlighted by music, dance, prayer, art and drama, as well as the teaching and preaching of the Word of God. The operation of spiritual gifts in worship services is encouraged, and healing ministry is a regular part of our services. We believe that all of these expressions are meant to give glory to God. They are languages that help us speak and proclaim the nature and beauty of a holy, magnificent, and loving God.