St. Seraphim of Sarov Resources
The pending resurrection of St. Seraphim of Sarov is a matter of great anticipation in the East and a matter of great ignorance and/or controversy in the West. The assignment of God has led us to be among those believing in his prophetic resurrection and the impact it will have in sparking the coming all encompassing national spiritual awakening in Russia. The following video and written resources may help you settle the question of a biblical basis and understanding of the possibility of such an event.
In 2006 New Covenant Fellowship released a video documentary regarding two famous Russian Orthodox Priests of old. St. Seraphim of Sarov is introduced as one of the two priests discussed. Video: Click here to watch video
In 2017 Pastor Russ produced a brief 18 minute summary of St. Seraphim of Sarov and his prophetic record. He prophesied two Russian Bells would be involved in his future resurrection. Video: Click here to watch video
The Biblical Basis For Another Forerunner, Preparing The World, prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Pastor Russ teaches on this vital topic relating to the role St. Seraphim of Sarov will play in the unfolding end-time events. WATCH HERE
The resurrection of a man dead for nearly 200 years is highly controversial to say the least. Pastor Russ has written a brief article looking at the biblical place of resurrection in the history and future of christiantiy. Paper: Resurrection At Pivot Points In History