6828 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37918  865-689-7001


General Information


The congregation of New Covenant Fellowship considers the practice of Biblical worship as a center piece, both of its existence and its expression. And, during the time of this most recent outpouring and visitation of God’s Spirit through the renewal, we have experienced and embraced a grace for worshipping God that finds this expression through great corporate involvement and intensity. The worship focus of our congregational assembly is that of celebration to gather as a people who glorify God and express thanksgiving through united praise and worship.

There are two works which have come to best describe the heart of worship and the culture of worship that we pursue at NCF: passion and intimacy. From these endearing values, we have set our face to pursue the Lord in vigorous and inclusive worship as a main focus of our gatherings. We have embraced a worship arts approach to our corporate services because we believe that there are many avenues which provide a legitimate format for worship expression and to which God has imparted to His church. The fullness of these arts, as a means for worshipping God, culminate in finding a home for acceptance and practice at NCF. Such expressions include arts related to music, dance, drama, and pageantry.

Implements of Worship (Psalm 68:24-26)

1.  Banners (Psalm 20:5)

You will often see banners used in worship at NCF. The Scriptures speak of lifting the banners of the Lord as a form of acceptable worship to God. They are used in processionals, pageantry, dance, and drama. They are lifted up and used prophetically communicating powerful truths through their colors, symbols, and designs. They are a rallying point; they direct the warfare and praise; they are used to herald an event or revelation of/from God, and they are used to signal and celebrate God’s presence.

2.  Dance (II Samuel 6:16; Psalm 149:3-4)

Dancing is a powerful form of expression and release in worship to our Lord. In services you may see choreographed troop dancing, individual dancing, or at times, corporate directive dancing. The dance brings individual and unified release in a form of worshipping god with all our might.

The dance may also be used in prophetic worship as an avenue for expressing what God is saying. This dance may take the form of revelation, and/or interpretation of what is being revealed in the Spirit. Dance is one of the most demonstrative expressions of physical praise and worship which we are, in part, implored to participate as part of …all of your heart, soul, and strength.

3.  Sticks, swords, etc.

These implements of worship are resources that God has deposited to many in this congregation. They are used as symbols of tools or weapons of warfare worship. Just as the nation of Israel went to war with their resources of God, there are those corporate times of warring in the Spirit which include bringing deliverance, breaking bondages, and routing the enemies of God in a spiritual sense, through the use of these weapons in the natural.

4.  Music (Psalm 33:3)

The music at NCF reflects a contemporary, redemptive style that is highlighted by songs that have been birthed from the renewal outpouring. More than just culturally relevant, the music seeks to enhance the worship environment through aggressive, intense, and intimate praise. It is not intended to be loud, for loudness sake; rather the music helps promote the release of everything related to all of your heart, mind, and strength in the worship to the Father.

5.  Intercessory Worship (Romans 8:26-27)

These are expressions of worship that are related to forms of intercession and prophecy. They may be expressed as physical manifestations such as sounds, i.e. with groanings, crying out to God with a loud voice. More physical movements may be found in arm and hand motions which are made in gentle, flowing expressions or violent, intense movements that express aspects of what the Holy Spirit may be doing or saying during worship.